Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kicking Off Birthday Week

Yesterday I turned the big 3-3. It was an absolutely beautiful day--perfect weather, a surprise dinner (I am still trying to upload the pic from dinner--the waitress took the pic on some strange mode and it won't upload--I've tried twice!!!) with Justin, Trevor, Aila, Tim, Briahnna, Jadyn and Isaiah, phone calls from family and friends--and then just to settle in at the end of the day at home with the family I love. A great day!

Justin made me a yummy chocolate cake, and Trevor wanted to take a pic of me with Aila and the cake. Just as he was going to snap the picture, Aila dove in for the frosting (hence the look on my face)...
Then Trevor dove in. And the result: My kids looked they had bizarre facial hair.
Psalm 139:13-16
"For You created my inmost being;
You knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
Your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in Your book
before one of them came to be."

Up next in Birthday Week: Trevor's turning FOUR!


  1. I am impressed with any guy who would go out and buy a birthday cake. But, a guy who BAKES one? That deserves a trophy! (Way to go, Justin!)

  2. Oh, and that was after he baked two apple pies and a loaf of apple bread for his staff meeting the next day.

    He's a good one, for sure! :)

  3. Besides that, he makes cute babies! ;-)


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United States
We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.