Thursday, October 1, 2009

Crazy, Messy, Beautiful Life

The other morning I walked into the bathroom and found the roll of toilet paper all unrolled, and it made me smile. The day before, Aila had discovered the joy of grabbing on to the TP and just PULLING. I had to grab her and get her out of there, and forgot to go back in and fix it.

It made me think of how my life is not exactly quiet, not exactly tidy, but I really think it's beautiful. Sure, I have a moment now and then when I wish for solitude and quiet. But when I think back to the days when I had all the quiet and solitude I wanted, I remember how fervently I prayed for the life I'm living now. Sharing covers with Justin. Wiping oatmeal off sticky hands. Cleaning peanut butter and plumber's putty off the sliding glass door. Dusty footprints in the car. And I don't so much mind the noise either, because quiet would mean an absence of little ones to create all that sound, from arguments over toys to belly-laughter.

I love my crazy, messy, beautiful life.

1 comment:

  1. And I love *you*! It is such a joy to know a woman who lives her life joyfully and thankfully.


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United States
We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.