Sunday, January 4, 2009

Two Moms, Three "Spirited" Boys

Kelly and I have lots of talks about our sons. She's the mom of Simon & Elliott, and I have Trevor. And all three of these boys are full of spunk, to say the least. I personally have had some bad run-ins with a few folks who haven't heard of a little something called "MYOB" who don't know me nor my son, but have felt the need to make me feel like the world's worst mom with the world's worst-behaved child. And it kills me, because I am nothing short of PASSIONATE about raising Trevor to know and love God, to be respectful and kind, and to one day be a man of wisdom and purity. I want people to see what I see in him. Look at this video...I love it because I know God can (and trust He will) use this fire within these little ones to do amazing things. And I am praying that God will give me the wisdom and insight into this little boy who He created, so that I will know how to raise Him up.

I look at Kelly, who is the most AMAZING mom--I've seen her in action, and she just blows me away...consistent, firm, fair, and loving. Amazing. And yet she too has been near tears, just as I have.

I know my heart breaks at times because I feel that Trevor has been labeled, categorized, even written-off, because of his strong will. Yes, I admit it is sometimes difficult to try to harness all of that and direct it toward something good, but what an amazing heart that little boy has. He is ALL heart. I thank God for every single day with him, strong will and all. And I delight now, and will continue to delight, as God unfolds his PURPOSE for Trevor, Simon and Elliott.

One day Kelly and will look back and smile as we remember some of the crazy times with our "spirited" boys, but I rest in knowing that God has placed a fire within these three that we both pray will be used for His glory throughout their lives.

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United States
We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.