Sunday, January 18, 2009

Date Night!!!

Okay, so we packed up the kids and sent them via UPS to the grandparents (check your front steps for a delivery!) and went out for a date night. Now before you get all worried, they were well-cushioned, we packed snacks in there, and we made sure to put some airholes in the side! I'm obviously kidding, but we DID get to have a date night (woohoo!) thanks to Teresa who watched the kids, free movie passes, and a gift certificate to go out to eat. It was wonderful! We saw "Slumdog Millionaire" (We highly recommend it--just won "Best Picture" at the Golden Globes, and will likely be a slam-dunk at the Oscars). Great movie.
It was such a treat to enjoy a night out with Justin. :)

1 comment:

  1. I am SO glad to see you keeping the fires burning in your marriage.

    Sad as it is, the season you spend raising your babies is *very* short, and soon you will be alone again -permanently- with each other.

    You don't want to have to fan dying embers later. Much better to keep a bright flame going through the years!


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United States
We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.