Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ELECTION DAY 2008: The first of many for Trevor (the flip-flopper voter) and Aila (his sister in need of a tissue)

This morning before heading off to the polls, I asked Trevor a few times who should be our next president. He gave me a different answer each time! Enjoy these two videos of my little political flip-flopper and my sniffly little girl!

One of these men will be the leader of our country starting on January 20th, and may continue to be all the way to 2016. Think we need to pray? I absolutely feel the conviction to pray for EITHER of these men, no matter the outcome, no matter how I feel on the matter. Romans 13:1: "...There is no authority except that which God has established. " Whoever assumes the presidency has a daunting task ahead. May he be covered in prayer as he goes forth. Beyond the economy, the war, the stock market, I pray for a president who will preserve truth. These men make so many promises out on the campaign trail. And to me, so much of what they say is secondary. Whether McCain or Obama wins tonight, may he not lead us one step further away from God has established to be TRUE in His Word.

1 comment:

  1. Good post Thea. I've been thinking all day about how despite what I want for our Country and despite who I think would be the best president, God has a will. And His will is greater than ours. I believe that this election will go according to His greater plan. I just hope that doesn't mean years worth of struggle and/or bad things occurring so that God can ultimately have His plan fulfilled. Time will tell. Thanks for your post Thea.


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We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.