Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Five
Ten years ago I:
1. had no idea that my Kitchen-Aid Mixer was 3,000 miles away, but that we were on our way to each other.
2. was 22 years old.
3. was plugging away at my bachelor's degree, attending California State University Stanislaus,
and working at Turlock Christian Preschool.
4. had extraordinarily short hair.
5. went on a family cruise to Hawaii to celebrate my grandparents' 50th anniversary (see their 60th anniversary pics here).
Five things on my “To Do” List today:
1. Praaaaay.
2. Make a list of things to take on our trip to California.
3. Take a moment to breathe.
4. Get better. All the way better.
5. Hug the three other people under this roof extra tight.
* 6. Vote in Tuesday's runoff election for the GA senate seat (I had to put a #6 in there--this one's a big one).
Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Oreos. Which is why I stay away. Can't each just ;)
2. Chocolate-covered almonds. I think Dr. Street thought I was crazy when I told her I was having cravings so severe that I would knock over an old lady just to get a handful of chocolate-covered almonds. AFTER I had already had Aila.
3. Peaches and Strawberries.
4. Shortbread.
5. Caramel.
Mmm....I forgot--what was I doing?
Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. I'd be all about giving to build God's Kingdom.
2. I'd live debt-FREE!!!
3. I'd buy Justin a car with air conditioning.
4. I'd live within my means with lots of margin (yes, even as a millionaire).
5. I'd go on lots of dates with my husband.
6. I'd take my kids to the zoo, to the park, to the children's museum and not worry about what the gas or price of admission would cost.
Five places I have lived:
1. Turlock, CA
2. Mount Hermon, CA
3. Arlington, MA
4. Wayland, MA
5. Acworth, GA
Five jobs I have had:
1. Accounts Payable Clerk (bet ya didn't know that about me, did ya???)--for 5 years!
2. Preschool Aide
3. Nanny
4. Substitute Teacher
5. First Grade Teacher
Five things I know for sure:
1. Jesus loves me.
2. I did, nor do I, nor will I do anything to be worthy of His love, but it's mine anyway.
3. My family is my number one ministry.
4. It's God, then Justin, then Trevor and Aila.
5. I have it really, really, really, really, really good. :)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I Am So Thankyou
We spent this Thanksgiving with the Graham fam...Bruce & Linda, Pete, Julie, and Nate, James, John & Jen, Matthew and Sarah. Always a fun and special time! I'll have to upload photos later...gotta get some sleep tonight.
Today was Aila's first Thanksgiving. A year ago I was on bed rest due to Aila's IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) diagnosis, and Dr. Street told me to eat, eat, eat! Now THAT was a great Thanksgiving...but this one was so much better. It was the four of us. Our family. So thankful and so blessed. And to think that none of us even knew that God had Nate in store for Pete and Julie this time last year--he is such a gift from God.
Lord, thank You for loving us, saving us, and giving us hope now and forever. Thank you for our marriage, thank you for our children, our families, our friends, our health, our church, our jobs, our warm home, clothes on our backs and food on our table. Thank you for freedom. Thank you that You desire more for us than we even desire for ourselves. Thank You for knowing us more intimately than we know ourselves. Thank you that we're here on purpose. Thank you that we are a planting of the Lord for the display of your splendor (Isaiah 61).
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Antibiotics All Around!

We also did Aila's weight check when we saw Dr. McGee. I was hoping for at least 14 pounds, but no go. She's 13 pounds 6 ounces. She was 13 pounds 3 ounces at her 9 month check up, and an even 13 pounds three whole months before that. So while I was hoping she'd gained a bit more, Dr. McGee pointed out that in 25 days she'd gained what she'd previously gained in 3 months. So we'll take it! And maybe we'll slip Aila some turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy on Thanksgiving. :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Up those stairs!
His Love Languages

Ms. Georgia's Sweater (on both kids)
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Standing Up
Monday, November 10, 2008
Trevor's getting married!! And for all the right reasons, too!
Last night before bed we were showing Trevor our wedding album. At first he saw the picture of the big cake...then he came upon the picture of the gift table. I could see the wheels turning, but he looked at the rest of the pictures quietly. When we were done he said, "Can I get married?" I said sure, but to give it at least 20 years. "Why do you want to get married?" I asked him. "I want a big cake and all those presents, too."
Little man, I believe what you're looking for is a birthday party. And you had one of those 3 weeks ago.
When we asked who he wanted to marry, he said "Camden's mom." On the guest list: Elliott, Lexi, Jadyn, Simon, Kayleigh, Camden, Greyson, and Aila. Keep your eye out for your save-the-date cards in the mail. But I should warn you, if I have anything to do with it, it won't be before 2028.
Nice Duds, Little Man

Sunday, November 9, 2008
The King and Queen of the Village

Yep--Grandpa is 82 and Grandma is 81--took them awhile, but they're officially royalty!
Then again, we already knew that...When Dad called me to tell me they were voted King and Queen, all I could think was, "Sounds about right!" :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
ELECTION DAY 2008: The first of many for Trevor (the flip-flopper voter) and Aila (his sister in need of a tissue)

One of these men will be the leader of our country starting on January 20th, and may continue to be all the way to 2016. Think we need to pray? I absolutely feel the conviction to pray for EITHER of these men, no matter the outcome, no matter how I feel on the matter. Romans 13:1: "...There is no authority except that which God has established. " Whoever assumes the presidency has a daunting task ahead. May he be covered in prayer as he goes forth. Beyond the economy, the war, the stock market, I pray for a president who will preserve truth. These men make so many promises out on the campaign trail. And to me, so much of what they say is secondary. Whether McCain or Obama wins tonight, may he not lead us one step further away from God has established to be TRUE in His Word.
Imagination Movers
Trevor loves the new show "Imagination Movers." He pretends he's Mover Dave and pulls things out of his hat, or pretends he's having a "bad hair day" like Mover Scott, and he loves to sing the theme song. Fun! :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Happy Halloween!

It was pretty funny--Trevor seemed to marvel that people were just handing out candy. After each house (as you'll see on the video below) he came back saying, "That one gave me candy, too!"

Well visit stats

This girl loves to eat!
Blog Archive
- The Five
- I Am So Thankyou
- Antibiotics All Around!
- Up those stairs!
- His Love Languages
- Mischief with a Sippy Cup
- Ms. Georgia's Sweater (on both kids)
- Standing Up
- Trevor's getting married!! And for all the right ...
- Nice Duds, Little Man
- You can't say we don't have fun around here!
- The King and Queen of the Village
- ELECTION DAY 2008: The first of many for Trevor (...
- Imagination Movers
- Happy Halloween!
- Daytona Beach
- Well visit stats
- Clapping girl
- This girl loves to eat!
About Me

- Thea Nelson
- United States
- We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.