Saturday, June 20, 2009

She's Got a Broccoli Craving and It Just Won't Wait!

We went to the grocery store today, and Trevor brought in the bags of food and left them in the foyer while I went to put the milk in the fridge. Once the milk was put away, I came around the corner and found Aila tearing into the broccoli we'd just bought.
Perhaps if I was this passionate about broccoli, there would be a little less jiggle in my jello! Haha...


  1. That is so stinking cute! The second photo looks savage.

  2. (Yay! For the first time in a long time, this blog let me publish my comment. Usually, it goes dead)


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United States
We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.