Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Please Tell Me You're Joking...

Those are the words I said when Justin called and said his flight home was cancelled. And I'm sure he wished he was joking! He is stuck overnight in Miami and will be home tomorrow night at 9pm (a 27-hour delay). To ease the disappointment we all felt, I took Trevor and Aila to "Big Pie in the Sky" and we shared a slice of pizza, then I let them light a few sparklers a few days early. I think it helped. Meanwhile, it's another day of missing Justin and him missing us!
Anyway, here's my artsy sparkler photo...

1 comment:

  1. You took this yourself? WOW, I am impressed. I thought you downloaded from google images.


About Me

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United States
We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.