Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I don't know what it was...but last night I just HAD to go in and scoop Trevor up out of bed and hold him. He was sound asleep, but I took him in my arms and held him for a long time. I prayed for him and I just studied his face--something he's usually moving WAY too fast for me to be able to do. I marveled at his long legs--when did he grow up? We have a video of Trevor when I was pregnant with him--I was only 17 weeks along when we found out he was a boy, but I remember being absolutely amazed at how formed and how perfect his leg bones were on the ultrasound. And now those same long legs were spilling over my arms as I held my almost 4-year old boy.

It's going fast.

P.S. I didn't take this picture as I held him--too sacred a moment. I caught this shot last week while he napped in the car. ;)


  1. I used to study my children when they were asleep also. Something so beautiful about them then. I love you, sister!

  2. so sweet. mine are getting to big too scoop, oh but i use to. wish i could, even for a moment. but i sit by their bedside and watch them, soaking them up, scooping them up in my heart.

    and yes, what long lashes!


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United States
We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.