Monday, May 4, 2009

Eight Things

Eight Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Went to church.

2. Prayed with Justin.

3. Talked to my parents about parenting.

4. Cleaned.

5. Took in what the Lord was telling me about that night in the field at Pondy back in high school.

6. Ate some to-die-for pulled pork (Justin's awesome).

7. Returned a mop at Wal-Mart.

8. Soaked up my kids. Lots of shlerbitz-ing.

Eight Things I Wish I Could Do:

1. Stay organized.

2. Go on a date with Justin every week.

3. Have opportunities to speak.

4. Sleep 12 hours straight.

5. Have an hour to myself.

6. Freeze my kids as they are now.

7. Fly to CA.

8. Live next door to Kelly.

Eight Things I Look Forward To:

1. Knowing Him as I am fully known. Oh, and I will have an amazing singing voice in Heaven too.

2. Seeing Aila come to Christ.

3. Watching the Lord work in and through our family.

4. Pam & Jim's wedding on "The Office."

5. 20 years from now when Kelly and I look back and laugh.

6. The next time I see family.

7. Being debt-free.

8. The neighborhood pool opening.

Eight Things That Make Me Laugh:

1. The three other people living in this house with me!!!

2. Rachel, Ross, Chandler, Monica, Joey & Phoebe. Still!

3. The Office.

4. Claymation Christmas' camels dressed as Chippendale dancers singing "We Three Kings."

5. The Barry Gibbs Talk Show skit on SNL.

6. The Men's Synchronized Swimming skit on SNL (very old school).

7. My family (CA)!

8. Animals dressed as humans. I laugh so hard I cry.

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We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.