Thursday, February 25, 2010

Angel with a Blue Dress On

My cousin Muffy sent some clothes for Aila that her daughter used to wear. We love us some hand-me-downs around here! Aila happened to have a headband the exact shade of one of the dresses, so we dolled her up and took some pics. :)

I'm thinking I have a nail-biter on my hands. Serves me right after it took me two decades to kick the habit myself!


  1. i'm a recovering nail biter too (and i think i was 20 when i finally kicked the habit).

    adorable blue dress.

  2. Hi Thea!
    You are an incredible mother! How do you find the time for all this??
    Loved the pictures of the little ones, and of course, the grandmother.
    Yikes! Where does the time go!!!!
    Love to all,
    Donald and Rebecca
    Don't know how to do this. Didn't know I could comment.


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United States
We are committed to walking through this life in a way that brings glory to our awesome God, making dents in this world in His name on our way home to Heaven.